Photo of Vanesa Mauvecin Argentina

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Mauvecn Vanesa Cordoba Argentina, 1977 Argentina Artist figuracin very close to, without neglecting the abstraction for some of his works, has gone through various disciplines such as painting, drawing, printmaking and installations multimedia. Trained in Fine Arts at the prestigious National University of Cordoba (Argentina), made solo and group exhibitions in Latinoamrica, Australia and Europe. Lived in Europe since 2002,...

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Photo of Vanesa Mauvecin Argentina

Mauvecn Vanesa Cordoba Argentina, 1977 Argentina Artist figuracin very close to, without neglecting the abstraction for some of his works, has gone through various disciplines such as painting, drawing, printmaking and installations multimedia. Trained in Fine Arts at the prestigious National University of Cordoba (Argentina), made solo and group exhibitions in Latinoamrica, Australia and Europe. Lived in Europe since 2002, remains in London since 2004, city chosen to continue their professional formation and realization of new works and exhibitions academic training from 1997 to 2002 National University of Cordoba, ( Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities School of Fine Arts), plastic. Cordoba Argentina Title: Graduate Course in Printmaking 2000 latest trends in international art. By Laura Batkis. 22.23 Goethe Institute 8am June. 1996 ctedra Mareeba and Tully State High AUSTRALIA School last year - 1990-1995 Secondary School Our Lady Cordoba Argentina Institute Primary Secondary Full Complete - Title BS 1991 Member of Rotary International Interact Club 1994 New Crdoba Commission Secretary Policy No New Crdoba Interact Club Interact Club President 1995 New Crdoba 1996 Rotary International Exchange for a year in Australia Group Exhibitions 1996 Exhibition of Sculpture, Local I Artist Cairns Australia 1997 Exhibition UNC recorded Pavilion Argentina, Cordoba Argentina in November 1998 Print Exhibition, Casa de la Cultura Unquillo, October Cordoba Argentina 1999 Shows Multimedia, Hangar 18 (Expiration Date) Installing November, C Cordoba Argentina 2000 Sample Engraving Cultural nucleus, November, 2002 Sample Cordoba Arg photography and engraving, Pavilion Argentina, March Argentina 2003 Cordoba And Hyper Art, Printmaking, Drawing and Painting. Pyrnes Andorra 2004 exhibition of the Association Xarranca, Comden Honorable Canillo Andorra 2004 Exhibicin with pre selection of artists Xarranca, "Espai 29" dEscaldes Engordany , Andorra. 2004 Exhibicin artists selected from the Xarranca, l'associaciSant Lluc MatarBarcelona per l'Art - Spain 2001 July Solo Exhibition of Paintings, Galera Selene, Cordoba Argentina 2002 November . Sample of Engraving and Installing, Crypt Jesuitical Cordoba Argentina 2007 Jan Display of paintings, prints and drawings, Gallery Wimbledon London - Uk Competitions 2000 Selected to be part of the CD of the best facilities in C Emerging Artists Cordoba (Cordoba Foundation Spain) Córdoba Argentina 2003 prize, Sergi Mas 2003 Andorra 2004 Prints selected to take part in Catalog of Artists Featured Artist of the Association of Andorran 2006 Award as the best exhibits are those that have been displayed in the Crypt Jesuitica Cultural Center Exhibition Córdoba - Argentina 1998 Other artistic experience Assistant parade of unique design in clothing, Cordoba Argentina 1999 marathon Painting the 3rd age, CPC Coordinator Pajas Blancas, Cordoba Argentina 1999/2002 charge of sales and public relations Selene Galera, C Cordoba Argentina 2001/2002 creation and sale of hand-molded candles. Artistic fairs (Cordoba, Chili and La Rioja - Argentina) 2001 has given a course of experimental grabado.Tcnicas. Multipurpose School of Art, La Rioja Argentina Chilecito. 2003 Member of Xarranca (Association of Artists Andorra) 2003 Sales Manager Art And Hyper Pyrnes - Pal Arinsal Andorra 2004 Fair (3.4 in January) - Andorra 2003 / 2004 Design and Creation Wines Letters Meny. Restaurant Les Closes in engraving, Andorra. Catalog 2005 Submission of selected artists of the Association of Artists Andorra.

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